
Rev. Clete Hux

Rev. Clete Hux is Director of the Apologetics Resource Center (ARC) headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. A Teaching Elder in the PCA, he has pastored churches in Alabama and South Carolina. He holds a M.Div. from Birmingham Theological Seminary (BTS) where he teaches Comparative and World Religions, Contemporary Cults and New Religious Movements, Apologetics and Personal Evangelism, Christianity and Competing Worldviews, and other related courses. He has also taught courses in Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, Contemporary Theology, New Testament Theology, and Paganism in Contemporary Culture.

He has been a guest lecturer at over 1,600 churches throughout the US and overseas. Having authored numerous articles on comparative religions and new religious trends, he has appeared as an expert commentator for print, radio, television, and internet media, locally, nationally, and internationally. With a heart for missions, he has helped train international pastors, working with missionaries and other agencies in India, Australia, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Tanzania, Germany, Romania, and Hungary.

2376 Lakeside Drive Birmingham, AL 35244
Office: 205-552-5597 ~

Donna Marable

I am Donna Marable. Since becoming a member of the Lighthouse News team, I have had so much fun learning and bringing more awareness to the awe-inspiring service organizations available in the communities, the majority of which I had no idea even existed! Over the years, with diminishing demands of family and job, I continue to fulfill what I believe to be my purpose, that is to be an encourager. It is our Christian duty to always strive toward becoming more Christ-like. I cannot express in words the thrill of seeing a person’s face literally transform when shown kindness. By letting His light shine through us and onto others, hopefully they will feel His love, be uplifted and become good stewards of The Kingdom.

Cindy Davidson

Cindy Davidson’s fervent faith and trust in the love of God has made her a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. She uses her professional and creative talents to serve the Christian community, and to help women from all ages and every walk of life. She is the founder of Sewing the Harvest Ministry.  Her and her husband Mike Davidson are the owners of The Stitichin Post in Gulf Shores, Alabama since 1991, from where she organizes and leads Women’ s Bible studies. Cindy is a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and a passionate community leader.

Esther Milne

Esther Milne is part of The Lighthouse News writing team. She loves to write about such diverse topics as health, travel, culture and practical devotionals on how to live the Christian Life.

Originally from England, Esther lives in Foley, Alabama with her husband Jonathan of 20+ years, and Luna her faithful yellow Labrador. Last year Esther published her first devotional book ‘Solid Ground – A Devotional Journey‘, which is available on Amazon.

Cathi Taraboi

Cathi Taraboi

Cathi Taraboi is a saved by grace daughter of the King. She is “Copy Elevated,” a certified copy editor, proofreader, and content writer with a passion for writing, researching, and the English language. She’s a previous photography business owner/photographer who enjoys getting behind the lens and capturing landscape, architectural and culinary images. Cathi resides in Texas with her family and delights in traveling, cooking, and reading.

Dawn Hill


Dawn Hill is a disciple of Jesus Christ, a sinner saved by grace, a wife and a mother. Her writing challenges individuals to be true disciples of Jesus Christ while searching the Scriptures. After coming out of a hyper charismatic/ NAR church, she is passionate about sharing the truth and pointing people back to Jesus Christ and back to His written Word as the standard of authority for Christian living and instruction.

Dawn is the writer and blogger known as The Lovesick Scribe. She resides in Virginia with her husband and her two children.

Fran Gardner Mora


Mora is the founder and co-author of Pearls & Presence, a Facebook page dedicated to offering articles and devotionals that speak God’s truth and give the encouragement of Jesus Christ to readers. She also writes curriculum for Bible studies and enjoys teaching and engaging in Christian fellowship as often as possible! She resides in Cumming, Georgia with her husband, Rick.

Jan Hicks

Jan Hicks

Jan Hicks is the Founder and President of Christian United Ministries, Inc. (CUMI). Her life experiences and powerful healing is a testimony to others around the world.

Jan was molested as a child and teenager, raped as an adult and has been in adulterous situations. As a result of her trauma, Jan began using cocaine (the needle), heroin, LSD, meth, nicotine, and other paraphernalia. Broken and addicted, she turned back to faith by accepting Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. God delivered her from drugs, healed her from her past abuses, and from a crippling disease.

Today, Jan travels the world as a speaker, teacher, author, and Christian counselor. Her life experiences and powerful healing is a testimony to others around the world.

She built CUMI on the foundation of Jesus Christ, encouraging the lost, the saved, backsliders, and believers to accept the love of Jesus, His saving truth, and learn how to live healed in peace and joy.

LeeAnn Witzigman

LeeAnn Witzigman

LeeAnn Witzigman lives with her husband, Patrick, and five wonderful children in Cumming, Georgia. She enjoys being a mom and is co-author of Pearls & Presence, a Facebook page dedicated to offering articles and devotionals that speak God’s truth and give the encouragement of Jesus Christ to readers. She is passionate about writing of the beauty of God’s love and living her life in the Spirit

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