By: Stuart Kellogg |

It’s not surprising if your church cheered after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, outlawing the

federal right to an abortion and returning to states the ability to outlaw it. And why not cheer?

More than 60 million innocent children have been killed in the womb since the 1973 Roe vs.

Wade decision that legalized abortion in all 50 states. What is troubling is that the vast majority

of Christians have only cheered.

While researching for The Post Covid Church book, I spoke with dozens of Christian leaders

about the urgency facing the church when the doors closed because of the pandemic shutdown.

The consensus: the need to get outside and re-engage the lost, hurting, and lonely community.

Too few churches leaned into the opportunity and aggressively expanded their outreach. Here is

a second chance now that the doors are all reopened. Overturning Roe is the perfect opportunity

for the church to make a difference in every community for Christ and show the world—-

especially the lost world—what the Christian faith inspires men and women to do for each other.

In states such as Alabama, frightened pregnant women no longer have that easy choice to simply

get rid of their “problem”. That means thousands of opportunities for Christians to step in and

help the moms and their babies. To help the organizations such as the Women’s Care Medical

Center in Baldwin County to gear up to serve many more in need. To get out and show what

pro-life really means. What better way for the church to shine?

The good news is that these Centers are getting more publicity and financial support. For

example, The Women’s Care Medical Center is opening a third location in the Bay Minette, the

Baldwin County seat. The need, however, is going to explode and too many Christians are

simply content to cheer.

The secular culture is more antagonistic to the Christians faith than ever, and now almost one out

of three Americans rejects any faith. The biggest challenge is that many of the lost see

Christianity has not just false, but evil! Overturning Roe simply ramped up the antipathy. This

is not just an opportunity to be the loving hands and feet of Christ to women and babies in need.

It’s also a chance for the lost to see that followers of Christ are much more than vocal

cheerleaders against a law. They can see followers of Christ coming together, as Christ did, to

help the most vulnerable. Christ today demands nothing less.

As a free service to churches, I teach a one-hour program called Life Matters: The Post-Roe

Mission. It helps Believers better prepare to defend the pro-life movement by learning more

about the Christian worldview and how to engage an increasingly hostile culture. If you’re interested, write me:

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