By: Eglaide Seiber Barroso

Inspired by this artwork from Stephen Johnson, the Drummer from Connect Church and the founder of Father’s Heart Ministry in the Philippines, I began to think about how we quickly forget who is fighting for us and with us in times of personal battles.

Jesus said in Luke 10:19 KJV: “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” The greater tool used by the enemy of our souls is fear, which brings discouragement to kill the steadfast belief in the dreams and plans the LORD has for us. According to Google, the definition of discouragement in the Bible is a loss of confidence and enthusiasm. And the meaning of the word discouraged is courage that is taken away by trials, tribulations, and long periods of battles.

Looking at the four stories representing courage, persistence, and unshakable faith in the God of Israel, this illustration from our Bible study allowed me to see that courage is the foundation to pursue God’s will for our lives. Courage and the burning desire to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any way that is available to me has always been the strongest driving force leading me in everything I do. Faith is described in the Bible as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Trusting God’s unfailing love has been what gives me the courage to take risks, to reinvent myself into Christ’s likeness, believing that HE uses my insecurities and frailties to make all things to work for His glory. This allows me to keep moving forward, doing what is ahead of me one day at a time, knowing that through my weakness and God’s power over them, He will inspire others to follow their dreams too.

To have the courage to face our impossible situations means that we are fully dependent on God’s power to fight our giants. And by trusting God with steadfast confidence in His goodness and love, we become victorious over the giants of our past mistakes and failures.

If we can look back on the failures, disappointments, and tragedies life brings without allowing fear of success to paralyze our dreams, God’s unfailing love will lead us to stay focused on His promises. I have overcome many giants through worship, prayer, and fasting, knowing that only by focusing on God’s power I was able to defeat my ungodly beliefs. By continually trusting His goodness in the middle of mind-tormenting storms, He directs my steps and provides the way out for me.

The Bible also says in Galatians 6:8b-9 BSB: “the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit, will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Finally, when all is said and done, we will walk away from these hard places where everything comes against us to make us give up or give in to the lies of the enemy. A true warrior will never give in. A true warrior will never give up. A true warrior will pray harder for God’s direction even when everything is against what God’s promises are saying in their hearts.

1 Samuel 12:24 KJV says: “Only fear the LORD and serve HIM in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things HE hath done for you.” We will never be moved if we look to our past and remember how God came to our rescue.

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