Word Drop – Insufficiency

I started my morning reading the Word of God on my online devotionals. The word obedience has been haunting me ceaselessly for weeks now. So I’ve prayed to God that He would help me to obey Him in the things He is trying to show me through His Word. I pray that through His Holy Spirit, He would make clear to me the worthless idols I am bound to and that He will equip me to overcome them so I cannot forfeit His Grace.

After that, I was led to watch this video by Heidi Baker (the link is below my writings). As I started the video, I sensed His glory and power taking over me. Immediately my spirit bowed down to the Lord. With tears of humility for His amazing love and mercy to the souls of man, I was led by Him into my intercessory office, claiming His power and light over those who are in bondage and under rebellion, pride, fear of man, and ungodly government laws. He led me to pray for those who oppose His will in this land and to call their spirit into His light.

My spirit was full of joy for knowing His will and purpose for my life today. Then I was led to write down my past dreams and reflect on them to see what He was trying to show me. The word inefficiency was dropped into my heart; I then decided to study what this word means in the Bible.

John 15:5 passage came to describe to me in this video I was watching what insufficiency is in the eyes of God. And why the passage talks about His pruning our dead branches and burning them. John 15:5 says: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.

The Lord showed me that when we choose to follow self-effort and look into our doings as our source for provision of any kind, we worship worthless idols and self-promotion. In my daily Bible Classic devotion, the writer says that the Grace of God destroyed the covenant of work with the promise of the coming Messiah in Genesis 3:15. God provided His Son for our salvation and all our needs from the very beginning.

In my chronological Bible reading for today, the message of the Sabbath clearly emphasizes that rest be upon trusting in God by abiding in Him and His presence and not on the work of the flesh. This is the system from which we learned to become self-sufficient through our doings following society’s acceptance, posing the question about our identity in Christ and the call God has upon our lives. Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus? Are you a daughter/son of the King or a slave of your accomplishments trying to get into His courts by your own merit?

In writing down my dream, I realized that insufficiency was the work in process showed to me, and that the water given to me in that dream to clean up a HUGE mess was handed to me by a man. The water came from a small plastic bottle, which was the man-made response to solutions that could only come from God himself. Abide in me is the call to obedience He is giving to His church and ME today!

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