Bless our moms and dads

By Nancy Kilpatrick

We just celebrated a great Mother’s Day this week and I hope all our moms got a great word of encouragement from their local Pastor along with all their families and friends. I know my Mother’s Day was exceptional, and I was able to encourage all our praying moms and grandmothers to remember just how much our Heavenly Father loves us and wants to be involved in every detail of our lives; so much so that He numbers the hair on our heads and those that remain in the comb or brush, and He captures every tear we shed and stores them in a bottle. That is the little stuff, and without a doubt, we have confidence that He also retains and remembers every prayer we have ever prayed over our children.

Father’s Day is just around the corner and I would like to also encourage our men because I feel like our culture has tried to devastate the image and importance of our men. The very idea of trying to convince this generation that men are dispensable, and manhood is toxic is not only very unbiblical, but totally ridiculous. What is toxic is a culture that would attempt to destroy the importance of men and the family unit and Covenant Marriage.

Scripture says that men are the head of the household, and the very reason we have all the dysfunctional young men in our legal system today is because an exceptionally large percentage of them grew up without a father in the home. I would like to applaud every manly man who holds the standard high in your household and provides for your family and displays a model for your sons to follow. I say, “God Bless You.” And I know He will because that is His heart also. He is proud of every man who will fulfill his God-given position in the home, and He is equally proud of every woman who will stand by and support her husband as he takes his place in the home.

For whatever reason, there are multitudes of single mom family units, and I would encourage our men also to invest in the life of a young man with no father. Your input into his life may be the difference between a successful family man or a statistic at the local jail or rehab facility. Every child or teen needs a father figure to become his model for life. And you could be that model for some child. God Bless all of you this year as Father’s Day arrives in June.

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