Rest Brings Success

September 23, 2021

Rest Brings Success

By Linda Ray Center

“So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating Hebrews 4:9-10(NLT)

At times do you feel emotionally exhausted or disconnected from working at home or from your job? I hope you find encouragement to continue toward your goals and not give up. It is important to rest when struggles abound. Sometimes, stress and problems lead to mental and physical exhaustion. When fatigue creeps in, rest helps to recharge our batteries. After proper rest, our minds and bodies are ready to continue toward our goals. Rest also helps us achieve our God-given potential.

Recently, I traveled to Florida to put my small investment property up for sale after my renter’s contract ended. I found my couch and dining room set missing, along with the renter. After a good cry, I placed a sale-by-owner sign in the window. Soon afterward, a lady stopped to view my home and decided to purchase the house. Writing my first purchase agreement caused me much distress. A home inspector pointed out a few issues. The buyer chose to back out of the deal even though I agreed to repair the inspector’s findings.

I learned everything I could in order to get the house in quality shape, but I never felt adequate to fix the repairs, so I needed wisdom about whom to hire. My attempts to find replacement furniture, remodel, and make decisions about the repairs wrecked my body and mind causing me to shut down. I didn’t know how to proceed. That’s when I remembered Exodus 14:14, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

I wanted to let go of the struggles but questioned whether I could let God fight my battles. Pride stopped me from releasing them. As an overachiever, it’s hard to admit you struggle.

I kept hearing in my spirit, “BE STILL, REST.” That’s not what I wanted to do. It’s far easier to be “doing” before God than it is to be still. Finally, out of sheer exhaustion, I decided to take the rest God offers.

After a few days of stillness, I called a realtor to sell my house. I packed my belongings then, trusting God, I headed home in peace. Once again, I found that He began to work on my behalf when I laid my burdens down.

Seven hours after the listing went live on the internet, the realtor showed the property three times. By the end of the day, a contract came in for the asking price.

Listen to your body. If you’re overly stressed or have no energy to push through the challenges life sends your way, do your best to enter God’s special rest. He wants us to rest in order to continue on our way to success.

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