By Linda Center
This time of year is the season of Holidays. With Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day right around the corner it is easy to get lost in excessive busyness.
Perhaps you are worried about staying calm through the upcoming holidays with meal preparation, shopping, gatherings, traveling, or the other hundred things that need attention.
When we get overly busy, we feel like we are out of control. All we want is for it to stop. But how? Balance is the key! We desperately need order and peace, not only during the holidays but every day.
Recently, I overheard a preacher describe BUSY as Buried Under Satan’s Yoke. It is easy to get buried under things of the world—not necessarily evil things, but distractions from spending time with God and family. I don’t know about you, but whenever I find myself too busy, I feel like that person under Satan’s yoke. I lose my focus on what is important until I start practicing balance again.
I learned the balancing lesson the hard way. Unreasonable tasks caused me such anxiety that I would lash out at my loved ones. It also took its toll on my health. After years of an overly packed schedule, I realized that my lifestyle needed to change. Now I limit the busyness of my days by cutting back on activities and I am learning to say no more often.
The Bible warns us how easily we can be swayed off-track without even realizing the direction we are headed. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
Changing a busy lifestyle takes self-control and awareness to improve. How we choose to live matters. Let us be mindful that blessed are the balanced.