By: Fran Gardner Mora/Pearls & Presence

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What an intense blessing it is to be overcomers in Christ while struggling in a world of distractions and disappointments.  To be locked in the loving embrace of Jesus and lifted high above all the obstacles, roadblocks, and detours that pull us off the path of sanctification and purpose.  We have every opportunity to turn away from our eternal perspective because opposition is persistent, and temptation is ever present.

But the faithful remain focused on the rich promises of God, and the reward is a calm and peaceful soul that seeks out the heart of the Father.  The result is confidence and sure footing in the storm and spiritual sight in the darkest night.  And even greater than that, we are able to navigate through an endless sea of questions and confusion because we know the ultimate answer to anything that can be asked is found in God’s Word.  The truest solution to any problem is Jesus.

Lately, I seem to be surrounded by fulfilled promises:  wombs opened after 20 years of barrenness; life rising from anguish and lies; powerful gifts of the Spirit bestowed upon the timid and unsure; and restoration and healing of broken hearts and dreams.  The common thread that seems to run through each story is a hunger to be obedient to God’s will while maintaining a firm grasp on hope.  Rejection of worldly explanations and limitations while staying focused on the unrestricted power and glory of the Lord.  It’s such a sweet reminder that our Father doesn’t want to extinguish our reasonable wants and desires or leave us in a state of despair – He is delighted when His children thrive.

We need only to keep our eyes fixed upon our magnificent Creator to remain in the place of miracles and provision and to have the supernatural ability to out-maneuver situations and challenges that threaten our heavenly line-of-sight.  We must always allow faith to become our holy blinders – keeping our eyes on the prize!

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