Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
Minister Joy’s passion is to see the Destiny and Glory of YESHUA, Our Messiah released through the Body of Christ, both individually and corporately. She walks in an apostolic anointing given by the Holy Spirit to release unity, restoration, faith, truth, redemption, revival, renewal, inspiration, creativity, courage, hope, healing, holiness, and freedom through teaching, preaching, prophetic encouragement, intercessory prayer and worship arts. Jennifer, a fourth generation native Oregonian, has ministered throughout the United States and internationally since 1996. Minister Joy was raised in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA with six siblings, one being her fraternal twin sister. The Conservative Baptist Church was the origin of her faith. Later in life she transitioned to a more Charismatic Protestant Christian Worship Atmosphere. Jennifer graduated from Northwest Christian College, Eugene, Oregon, USA with a BS Psychology 1994 and from Marylhurst University, Marylhurst, Oregon, USA with a Master of Divinity and Pastoral Counseling Certificate 2010, in addition to being ordained as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, YESHUA, Our Messiah in May 2002.
“There’s never been a better time to be a church!”
by Stuart Kellogg
Imagine hearing that phrase from a ministry leader while sanctuary doors closed, people isolated alone at home and one out of three Christians walked away from the church? Yet Dr. Bill Wilson, former pastor and founder of The Center for Healthy Churches remains convinced THIS is when the church must, and will, shine as Christ’s beacon to an increasingly lost and hurting world.
As the pandemic raged, I noticed that there were two types of congregations: those acting like “turtle churches”, hunkering down and waiting for “normal” to return, and those leaning in and aggressively using the crisis as an opportunity to shine. I spoke with almost 100 ministers, Christian leadership experts and lay leaders to find out how Christ’s church could not just survive but THRIVE in the midst of this deadly pandemic. What I found was an almost universal faith in the ability of the body of Christ to indeed thrive, although likely as a smaller, more embattled body.
The early Christ followers stood out by how they lived. Plagues were a regular occurrence and while the rich were able to flee to the hills, the rest were left to face death. Those early Christians saw the need and helped the sick, sometimes succumbing to the plague themselves. The people noticed that there was something indeed very different about these Christ followers and wanted to know more.
The challenge today is similar. How can the church stand out so that those lost without Christ want to know more? A common thread that runs through the congregations that thrived is the willingness to more aggressively reach outside the walls of the church. There have never been more Americans with no religious affiliation (almost three out of 10), fewer attending church (less than half) and more hostility to the faith. One reason: only a little more than one out of three Americans believes ministers are highly or very highly ethical!
The forced shutdowns have driven up the number of suicides, depression and isolation among all age groups in America. The increasingly hostile partisanship has pitted citizens against each other in ways not seen since the Civil War. An increasingly powerful secular class wants to stamp out any faith-based influence in the culture. Within this reality is the challenge for the church and its leaders. The allegiance must be to Christ, and Christ alone, not to any political party or human leader. Its mission must be to the lost and hurting. Its goal must be Christ-centered tangible help that encourages a new life and new living. In other words, there is a LOT of work to do.
The Joy of the Lord Shining through Our Father’s Heart!
By Donna Marable
Our Father’s Heart Outreach has partnered with a team in the Philippines to distribute food and Balikbayan Boxes which contain clothing, children’s Christian and educational books, DVDs, blankets, powdered milk, dried foods . . . and love. An outreach to the native children and families in the city of Mabalacat, Pampanga Province, is a monthly event. The team, with ‘boots on the ground’ in the Philippines, cooks spaghetti and distributes various nonperishable foods that are purchased in their local area via donations from Our Father’s Heart Outreach on the Gulf of Mexico Alabama coast in America. The meals and the distributions are done in the Clark City Park and in a camp under a Mabalacat bridge. The trackable boxes of love are shipped via UMAC Express Cargo from the Babayan Grocery store in Pensacola, Florida.
The Filipino team leader, Maricel Larawan partners with Gulf Shores founder Stephen Johnson and his son Caleb – who is full of ideas and known as “the creative think tank”. Their common vision and passion is: “Showing the love of Jesus Christ and the Heart of Father God by the power of the Holy Spirit through tangible giving”. The Mission’s name grew out of Stephen’s recognition that the Mission was not from HIS OWN heart, BUT directly from THE FATHER’S heart working through him and the team. Keeping their thoughts and focus on the Bible verses I John 3:17 and Hebrews 13:16, they have experienced the favor of God with stability and growth. Their progress may be followed on the website:
Besides performing practical acts of love to the children and families in the Philippines, Stephen’s desire is to let the recipients know that no matter what background they come from, God has a purpose and a plan for their lives. He is expecting God and the Mission to encourage and enable the family members to recognize their God-given talents and giftings in practical ways as Stephen knows that their gifts are attached to their purpose. On his next trip over Stephen hopes to shower crowns and tiaras on each of the children, demonstrating they are kings and princesses in God’s eyes. The last Balikbayan Box shipment arrived in August. 2022. To help with the next shipment, planned for inbound December, 2022, or future shipments in 2023, please contact or or Stephen at (770) 771-3664.
This monthly, tangible example of the Father’s love is possible through the provision of thoughtful items and generous monetary donations from the members of Connect Church in Foley, Alabama and by others around the U.S. After speaking with the Founder, it is easy to understand the joy of the Lord in his expressions and on his face as he explained this passion birthed out of his lifelong experiences. There are other locations in the Philippines on which Stephen has his eye – anticipating future shipments there as the Lord networks and opens doors – – ‘job well done, faithful servant’ and – Glory be to Our Father!
The ministry is expanding to partner with Jesus Saves Ministries Inc. – Cavite Outreach, in Dasmariñas, Philippines, under the leadership of Assistant Pastor Andrea Morden. – –
We Will Never Forget!
The Dying of the Light
By Eglaide Seiber Barroso
These beautiful faces on this page are the faces of two teachers and 19 innocent children. On May 24, they went to school but never came back alive. Their dreams of a brilliant future in the land of the free vanished from the face of the earth in a split second. The actions of a single evil-infected mind of a human being have forever robbed their families and relatives from experiencing the fullness of what they could and would have conquered during their lives’ journey together. Their families now have the broken pieces of their precious lives cut too short, the confusion that comes with the burial process, the criminal investigations, and the emptiness and profound pain that can only be understood by those who unexpectedly suffered such a brutal trauma. In addition to all these dark emotions, they must also deal with the media’s repeated noise about how it happened, who is to blame, what will stop these tragedies, and who will handle their court cases’ opinions. They see their unimaginable losses transformed into a media-politicized drama. Since when did a celebration of life event turn from comforting those who mourn, to becoming an opportunity to highlight political parties’ agendas?
How many times will we have to hear false promises of changes that never happen from people on both sides of the political arena? Where did prayer go since we, as The PEOPLE of a Nation under God, didn’t mobilize as the church to be involved in every area needing our gifts to bring back God into every high place of government in our country? The Bible says, “It is not for us to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 1:7-8a) What do we think Jesus was crucified for? As Americans, we are to strive to be the light of this world, especially when gross darkness abounds. We can’t continue to hide our gifts and do nothing and expect a different result from what we are experiencing in America. I voted this past election. Did you? Did you research the background of the candidates you voted for? Did your vote help a pro-life, pro-family, pro-Bible, and godly principled agenda to come back to this Nation regardless of parties? Or did you just punch your voting answers to post your sticker on social media to feel patriotic?
Since this horrific event happened in Uvalde, Texas, where 21 innocent lives were taken by a lunatic with an AR-15-style rifle, another 33 mass shootings have been reported on television nationwide, making this year so far overtake past years’ reports. Today as we are thinking of that, the question I have is who still remembers the victims of Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland, or of the September 11th terrorist attack? And all the other terrorist attack victims prior to that event. What we are seeing in America is not because law-abiding citizens can purchase guns; it is because of the lack of a godly government. WE, THE PEOPLE of this godly sovereign Nation, have the right to own and carry guns as stated in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. But WE, THE PEOPLE, through our slothful utopian lifestyle, have sat back and done nothing to keep God in schools, public places, and political agendas. We now have a self-righteous entitled generation of young adults who have been brainwashed to support gay marriages, abortion, gender neutrality, and schools that teach our children explicit sexual content. Some citizens support illegal immigration, defunding the police, and Christian clergy and leaders give in to the occult traditions and pagan beliefs that for many decades have infiltrated the church with the purpose of destroying this Nation. These things didn’t happen overnight. Our forefathers knew we needed the Constitution as protection for our country. They fought for it because they were brave men who were ready to die for the freedoms we have today. They wrote our Constitution by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, who is THE FATHER OF ALL GOOD THINGS!
To finish what is going through my mind today, the LORD reminded me of the Bible verse from 1 Samuel 15:22b, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” So, let’s RISE UP to teach everyone the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ without fear of man. He gave us ALL POWER to conquer our enemies. HE is our LORD AND ONLY GOD that died for our salvation and reconciliation to the Father’s Kingdom!
This coming November, we have another opportunity to make a difference and kindle the fire, so America has the chance to be the light to the world and the land of the brave again. GO VOTE!
The Dream Center of Baldwin County
A Place Where the Impossible is Possible
By Donna Marable
After the Gulf of Mexico hurricane Katrina in 2005, Joe and Lorraine Aldrete served on a Relief Team in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. With serving hearts and a developing love for people of the Gulf Coast, in 2009 they moved from California to plant Calvary Chapel of Foley, Alabama where Pastor Joe serves as Senior Pastor. With God’s miraculous, guiding hand dreams continued with the 2018 opening of The Dream Center of Baldwin County.
The Center’s mission is to positively impact youth in Baldwin County by helping them overcome the socioeconomic barriers preventing them from achieving success in academics and in the community. At risk youth ages 13–18 can begin to rebuild and transform their lives with the help from caring volunteers and counselors. The nonprofit organization serves all of Baldwin County and is 100% funded by donations from individuals and businesses.
Pastor Joe came from the Moreno Valley Calvary Chapel with experience serving as Youth, College, Missions and Executive Pastor. With a background in law enforcement and leadership training he is foremost in the organized networking necessary for the smooth, successful operation of a Center combining school services, community partnerships and various community resources. He is the Sheriff’s Dept. Lead Chaplain and member of their Critical Incident Stress Management Team.
The Dream Center’s focus is ‘diversion’ – an interventional approach to redirecting youth, while holding them accountable for their actions, with the goal of avoiding formal processing into the juvenile justice system. Thirty-six youth have been taken into the program during the past year, and Pastor Joe sadly notices the absence of engaged, supportive fathers. Some of the many available services are conflict resolution, Teen-Anon (helping teens with aftercare from addiction), daily living skills, family and 1:1 support (including crisis and mental health counseling), tutoring in educational needs, mentoring and work force development. A weekly food pantry run out of Calvary Chapel of Foley the past 10+ years is available to students and their families and a clothes closet offers clothing, hygiene products and school supplies.
More information on the Center, located at 1113 N. McKenzie St., Foley, Alabama, may be viewed at Pastor Joe Aldrete’s statement “One person, one family at a time” embodies the passion and love for helping others that brought this Dream Center to fruition.
News Flash! Lessons In Living
By Staff Reporter
Our own Lighthouse News writer, Jeff Sutherland, has published the second book in his Life Seminary Series: A Weed Free Life, Thinking Through the Landscape Process. Along with the first book of the Series, Pet Seminary, Jeff has prayerfully planned and explained how to develop an improved, manicured landscape in which to live successfully by recognizing the hand of God, in the common lessons He tailors for each of us. We at the Lighthouse News are very thankful of the services Jeff is providing through his local ministry and his writing. Jeff’s tools and encouraging Biblical references for “just listening” to God will assist in transforming your life. Start today by checking out the Ministry’s website and detailed descriptions and excerpts at:
Hospital Piece
By Nancy Lee Kilpatrick
It is easy to see why Nancy Lee Kilpatrick is so loved and revered by the Lighthouse News staff and by those fortunate enough to make her acquaintance. Nancy’s passion for her beliefs and her God-given ability to research, learn, understand, network and teach cannot be quenched — even by her current stay in a rehab facility after a fall. As I visited today, each worker who came to Nancy’s room lively engaged in conversation with her, obviously already enjoying a bond formed with this wise, dynamic woman. Nancy’s beliefs began early in life and have done nothing but build momentum ever since! She’s unstoppable, and her heart for others, energy, and humor is contagious. We ask you to join us in praying, decreeing and declaring complete healing over Nancy as she’s obviously NOT FINISHED YET!
Introducing Alishba’s Family
By: Eglaide Seiber Barroso
Let me introduce you to my God-given Pakistani Family. This is Alishba. Her real name is Zoya Amna Pirzada. Her family gave her the nickname Alishba because it is a Muslim name meaning sweet and innocent girl. According to a Google search, the name Alishba originated from the number five, which is the number of God’s Grace. She is 13 years old now. Alishba was born with a physical condition that keeps her from living a normal life. She is the first daughter of Mansoor and Sadaf Pirzada. Together they have three other children, Falak, Ayan, and Abeeha, ages 12, 10, and 4. They live in the small town of Daharki, Sindh, Pakistan.
Alishba was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after her birth, where she survived. She was doing good, but at the age of two years old, she had a high fever with uncontrolled epileptic seizures. After receiving first aid, she was rushed to a hospital that was a three-hour drive away from her home. An expert pediatrician, Dr. Ghulam Rasool Booq, admitted her to an ICU, where she survived again. Her parents started getting Alishba checked for medical treatment by different doctors who diagnosed her with Cerebral Palsy. Now Alishba cannot see, walk, talk, or sit. Doctors in Pakistan have not shown any hope for her improvement and treatment except for physiotherapy, which is getting more difficult as she grows.
Over three years ago, I talked to Mansoor about developing a full-color, eight-page hard copy of The Lighthouse News. I knew about his professional skills as a graphic designer, website developer, and marketing packages designer through a professional acquaintance. Our relationship developed from a business relationship to a close friendship, a Lighthouse News family member, and a spiritual son to me. Since then, we have become close to each other’s families talking and chatting daily, sharing our families’ pictures, live events, dreams, trials, and victories. Mansoor is a loving son, husband, father, and true friend. He has an open and tender heart from where love, dedication, and loyalty flow abundantly in whatever he does.
I learned what real unconditional love is by watching him and Sadaf’s dedication to Alishba. They are continually trying to find medical options for Alishba’s special needs, hoping that her life condition can improve. On live videos, I watch him interreact with all his children and his beautiful wife, Sadaf. Mansoor works very hard to provide a secure and quality life for his family. He is a great professional with high principles and determination to provide a masterpiece for every work order he receives from his customers.
The Lighthouse News wouldn’t be celebrating two years of quality, professional publishing on paper and online if Mansoor hadn’t joined us in our dream of becoming a light in this world. He does his part with his heart and the faith that there is a bigger purpose in life than to run after the almighty dollar. After all, The Lighthouse team is made of Christian writers who donate their skills and time to share God’s light, love, and goodness to a dark and broken world. Everything is done completely by faith that God provides for his children. We have accomplished much through the love, dedication, and commitment of our voluntary team. In that love, we have become a family, knitted by the desire to serve each other and our local, nationwide, and global communities.
The heart of this publication ministry is to be a platform from where we become the hands and feet of God to one another as a godly family does. Nothing can be done without the love of God in our hearts and the desire to be the change in the world around us. Therefore, with this servant’s heart, hope, and faith, I am asking everyone reading about Alishba’s condition to reach out to Mansoor with the purpose of aiding him in finding the medical treatment his beautiful daughter, Alishba, needs.
To contact Mansoor Pirzada, email him:
Phone/WhatsApp Number +92 333 7252585
The Answer Is “We, The People”
By Nancy Kilpatrick
One of our most important holidays, Independence Day – July 4th, is here. I have chosen to rank July 4th our third most important holiday, behind Christmas and Easter which I pair together as number one because they represent our Christian faith and the very basis of our beautiful America. And then Independence Day, representing the birth of our nation and the embracing of the most valuable document ever written in the history of the world, our Constitution of the United States of America, I would place in third position, ranking in honor and importance.
I am deeply grieved in my spirit when I witness disrespect of any of these most important holidays. Unfortunately our nation is at a crossroads today which can only be blamed on education, or rather lack of education. Only my generation can remember the days when the Golden Rule was the standard. Our children were not in fear going to the school. The worst threat in the classroom was being hit by a paper wad spitball. Question: What changed? Our governing representatives in Washington, DC took prayer out of school. Question: Who is to blame? We, the People.
We, the People sat back and allowed our representatives to do this. Now our children are being killed in the classrooms. And our children are being taught inaccurate, untruthful history. They are being indoctrinated to hate other children of different races, different beliefs or opinions. They are even being taught to rebel against God in their gender identity.
Question: Who can change this? Is there hope for our upcoming generation of children? There is – but only if our current generation of We, the People will stand up united as one, put on our big girl panties/our big boy pants, go to the poles to vote and demand that our representatives in Washington stand up for our freedoms, for truth, for Christian values, morality and life. We can “fire” – put those permanently out of office who are on a determined path to destroy our future. We do that at the voting booth.
Do you value our Christian heritage? Do you honor Christmas and Easter? Do you respect and recognize those in the past, some our own family members who paid the ultimate price for our freedom today? Then let me challenge and encourage you to join me. We, the People are the majority, we can do this, we can invoke the help of our Father to enable us to pass on to our children the free America we were given by those who went before us. God bless you, God bless this July 4th Independence Day, our precious children and God Bless America.