Mansoor Pirzada

Mansoor Pirzada is a Web and Graphic Designer with over 15 years’ experience in paper print and digital design. His family comes from 40 years of successful printing business located in Daharki – Pakistan. His entrepreneurial spirit is led by his passion to be the best in the services he provides to his customers, and the heart desire to see his work as an art piece. His attention to details and abilities to keep up with an ever-changing technologic world makes him an asset to any company who desires excellence on their marketing packages and portfolios. He is the web and graphic designer for The Lighthouse News on hardcopy and online. He is from Daharki Sindh – Pakistan.

His native language is Sindhi. He earned his master’s degree in Business Administration and has taken courses to learn web and graphic design, while he was helping with his family business. In May of 2014, he decided to have his own business by stepping into the world of freelancing. His efforts paid off because of his hard work, godly business ethics, and the heart to serve the needs of the global community. He is married with Sadaf Pirzada and together they have four wonderful children.

Eglaide Seiber Barroso

Eglaide Seiber Barroso is a Christian entrepreneur and life coach who uses her strong administration and people skills to help people from all walks of life to live their personal and professional dreams. Through her determined efforts and caring heart, she has contributed to many tangible improvements to society, developing numerous humanitarian and philanthropist projects. From1998 to 2014, she helped to eradicate labor trafficking and social injustice while promoting equality in the Gulf Coast workforce. She is a gifted communicator and problem solver, fluently speaking several different languages and connecting with individuals from every social and professional background. Her accomplishments as a writer, content editor, and publications developer reach beyond cultures and international borders.

Since she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, she has devoted her life to work with community leaders, creating organizational and educational material designed to help their companies succeed. She believes that her purpose in life is to coach community leaders to improve their organization’s administration and personnel management, by focusing on biblical family principles. Her goals are to teach and develop biblical professional principles promoting a safe and loving environment in the workplace. At the present time, she is the Founder and Chief Editor of the Lighthouse News, and the Administrator of the Stitchin Post, a Christian based organization from where she leads a women’s Bible Study group and provides Christian coach professional consultations.

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Jeff Sutherland

Jeff Sutherland founded Fort Morgan Ministries to support pastors, believers, and seekers, comforting them the way God has comforted him. He writes to encourage,  and challenge, providing resources and biblical counseling to all in need. God’s Word is sufficient for all our problems and superior to man’s wisdom in every way. Fort Morgan Library has nearly 5,000 resources that will enable us to look at all our problems through the lens of Scripture. Go to HOME | Fortmorgan (  to contact Jeff or email him at You can also sign up for our monthly Battle Cry Newsletter or look into ordering books from his Life Seminary Series. Pet Seminary and A Weed Free Life are available now on Amazon. For more info checkout: Fort Morgan Ministries –

Donna Marable

I am Donna Marable. Since becoming a member of the Lighthouse News team, I have had so much fun learning and bringing more awareness to the awe-inspiring service organizations available in the communities, the majority of which I had no idea even existed! Over the years, with diminishing demands of family and job, I continue to fulfill what I believe to be my purpose, that is to be an encourager. It is our Christian duty to always strive toward becoming more Christ-like. I cannot express in words the thrill of seeing a person’s face literally transform when shown kindness. By letting His light shine through us and onto others, hopefully they will feel His love, be uplifted and become good stewards of The Kingdom.

Nancy Lee Kilpatrick

My name is Nancy Lee Kilpatrick. I have been involved with ministry for most of my life starting at the age of 16 with a pre-school class in my local church. I’m also a self-motivated student with a huge library of books.

In the past 15 years however, my focus has narrowed down to basically the history of our nation, and the deliberate, active undercover attempt of politicians determined to undermine our constitution, destroy our freedoms, and bring us, as a nation, under socialism. And along with all of this, the Church which is supposed to hold the standard high has allowed this group to do their undercover destruction of the only truly free nation in the world, without any opposition. This is a travesty and unacceptable.

As a considerably older generation, I am appalled to know that I might leave this kind of chaos in our nation for my children and grandchildren to have to deal with. For that reason, I am passionate about ‘Waking up” and motivating the Church into action, and doing what I can to restore our Beautiful, Grand & Free America back to what our Founding Fathers intended it to be.

Cindy Davidson

Cindy Davidson’s fervent faith and trust in the love of God has made her a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. She uses her professional and creative talents to serve the Christian community, and to help women from all ages and every walk of life. She is the founder of Sewing the Harvest Ministry.  Her and her husband Mike Davidson are the owners of The Stitichin Post in Gulf Shores, Alabama since 1991, from where she organizes and leads Women’ s Bible studies. Cindy is a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and a passionate community leader.

Esther Milne

Esther Milne is part of The Lighthouse News writing team. She loves to write about such diverse topics as health, travel, culture and practical devotionals on how to live the Christian Life.

Originally from England, Esther lives in Foley, Alabama with her husband Jonathan of 20+ years, and Luna her faithful yellow Labrador. Last year Esther published her first devotional book ‘Solid Ground – A Devotional Journey‘, which is available on Amazon.

Don’t Yield to Fear

Jesus - Don’t Yield to Fear


By Eglaide Seiber Barroso

In thinking of writing about the Russian and Ukraine war, it is clear to me that there is nothing honorable about the affairs of war, and because of this, my heart is burdened for the innocent people on both sides of the battlefront. I am aware of what’s being said about both nations; with so many twisted and deceiving reports about what is happening, it’s very difficult to write about such a brutal and destructive conflict. As a Christian, my heart is crying for God’s justice, but I take no side between these nations because there is no justice in a political arena full of power mongers. I’m very angry about this senseless war, as well as of this world’s godless governments.

According to the book of Revelation 12:9 KJV, the Bible says, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” We know that the world is under the darkest veils of deceit, portrayed by the evil-influenced media and big tech companies. The prince of the power of the air is desperately attacking the church globally, knowing his last days of tormenting God’s people are near. With that in mind, I am reminded that the word of God tells us to rejoice because we have overcome the things of this world by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. So, let’s lift our eyes to the hills from where our help comes from, and pray against the dark forces that is operating in the minds of powerful world rulers.

It is known by the counseling communities (Christian and secular) that discouragement is caused by a lack of hope in any circumstance, personal or otherwise. When we consider that for the past two years, we have been confronted by the numerous situations of natural disasters, war, global epidemic, complete isolation from our family and friends, racial and religious conflicts, economic recession, high gas costs, threats of worldwide famine, and the complete absence of godly family standards infecting future generations all over the world, one may feel overwhelmed, desperate, and hopeless. So, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? “Romans 8:31 KJV

In 1 Peter 5:8 NKJV, the Bible says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Through his lies, the devil is distracting and deceiving many of God’s children with fear and death, but Jesus’ death and resurrection has conquered all fear. 1 Corinthians 15:55&57 “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

From the book of Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I am praying for the souls who are caught in this deadly crossfire and Christians who are embracing a spirit of discouragement because if I look at their circumstances with my natural eyes, I see no hope for them, their nation, or the world.

God’s Word teaches us that Light has the power to conquer darkness. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. The world and some of His own people have rejected Him because they are blind to God’s love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. John 3:16 KJV

Finally, I am being reminded of God’s promises in the book of Romans 16:20 KJV, where the Bible says: “May the God of Peace crush satan’s head under our feet shortly. The Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”

This coming April, we will celebrate HIS Resurrection and our Spiritual Victory through Him. HALLELLUIAH!

I Am a Herald of Good News!.

Don’t Yield to Fear

Supreme Court Nominee

Supreme Court Nominee


By Nancy Kilpatrick

A most weighty decision in our government is a Supreme Court Judge appointment which is a life-time position. A judge appointed now would impact our children and grandchildren.

Judge Stephen Breyer has resigned and will be leaving office at the close of this term.

Appointed by Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994, he is currently 83 years old, a democrat who has a voting record between moderate and liberal. The Democratic Party will insist on replacing him with the most liberal judge they can, and Pres. Biden made a promise that he would put a black female in Supreme Court if he got the opportunity. He is determined to do just that; and pressured by his party to keep his promise. What does this mean?

Simply put, it means there are scores of accredited judges, qualified but not considered, of other ethnic backgrounds which will be a travesty. You can be certain the one chosen will be young, which could also mean not well equipped for such a position putting her in office until your grandchildren are grandparents. I know you can see why this appointment is such an important one and needs the right person in that Judges’ chair.

Lawsuits at the Supreme Court level are supposed to be determined by the standards of our Constitution which is our National Standard by which all our laws are based. However, in the past years there have been lawsuits determined by judges who take the position that our Constitution is a “living document” which means it changes meaning as the culture in our country changes. Therefore, we now have legalized abortion, same sex marriages, and other decisions determined on this basis.

I am hearing that while our Vice Pres. Kamala Harris can break the tie in Congress on bills passed and other business, she is not authorized to break a tie in the appointment of a judge so keep an eye on that in the news.

Our nation is in serious trouble, we must stand firm on our Constitution. Our Founding Fathers got it right, based on Biblical principles. We must restore those principles to keep our nation safe for our children and grandchildren. Keep this Supreme Court Nomination in your prayers.

Supreme Court Nominee

Women’s Care Medical Center Annual Walk for Life

Women's Care Medical Center Annual Walk for Life

By Donna Marable

Did you know every 35 seconds, a baby’s heart stops beating in the U.S? Every 35 seconds and an unborn baby is taken from the womb. Every 35 seconds and a woman endures the traumatic experience of abortion. Every 35 seconds and a father loses the opportunity to look into the face of his child. What if we could change the next 35 seconds?

Women’s Care Medical Center in Baldwin County, Alabama has been fighting for the rights to life since 1990. They seek to empower every man and woman who walks through their doors with life-affirming options because all people, born and unborn, inside the womb and out, deserve value, respect and dignity. It is for this reason, WCMC not only seeks to save the life of the child in the womb, but they share the eternal hope of salvation through Jesus Christ with every client.

You, too, can be part of this incredible mission field. Every year WCMC hosts an annual Walk for life. This year the Walk is March 26th, and again 6 locations throughout the County make it easy to participate in the 2-mile walk. WCMC totally takes care of monetary collections from the walker’s individual sponsors. Why not consider giving support to this annual event and involve friends and entire families in a great life-giving cause? Much more information about Women’s Care Medical Center and the Walk for Life is available on their website, WCMC thanks you for standing with them for the rights of ALL human life.

WCMC logo

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