
God’s Final Decision on Human Life

Lovesick Scribe

BY: Dawn Hill

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:13-16 ESV

The development of a baby within the womb is such a wonder demonstrating God’s invisible qualities, eternal power, and divine nature. As a woman, I was graciously granted by God to carry both our children to full term. I was blessed to witness those tiny human beings develop and grow in my belly, becoming two precious proverbial arrows in the quiver of our family. Scripture such as Psalm 139 and others remind us of God’s personal involvement in human life from the moment of conception and that each human life represented as an embryo and subsequent fetus is simply in a smaller form in a different location; the individual on the outside of the womb as a toddler or adult is the same individual who resided in his/her mother’s womb, give or take forty weeks. Size, age, and location do not change God’s unique design in creating human beings.

The recent draft leak of the current United States Supreme Court case concerning abortion has many people reeling on both sides of the political and religious aisles. The argument in favor of abortion has evolved over time from a clump of cells to the acknowledgment of human life within the womb and the right to end that life by those who were at one time in the same geographical location as that vulnerable human being. As Christians, we appeal to Scripture for truth, and we understand that simple biology supports the truth; life begins at conception.

What we are witnessing and have continued to witness in society is the act of calling evil good and good evil. We are witnessing a suppression of truth when it comes to human life and its origins. We have been witnessing the dehumanization of children. Death occurs one hundred percent of the time in abortion procedures, and the woman is not left unscathed, even if her heart is hardened and her conscience seared in the process.

Though this ruling can change the cultural climate, judicial decisions and legislative laws do not change the hearts of sinful men and women. The good news testifying of Christ by the power of His Spirit softens hearts once hardened toward murder of the unborn while crying for personal autonomy. There is forgiveness and cleansing in no One else. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the light shining in the darkness of abortion.


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You are Not Forgotten


By Tresa Walker

It is easy to get discouraged during difficult times and allow fear to control our thoughts and actions. It helps to remember that no matter what I’m going through, I can trust that God is there leading the way and will be with me each step of the journey. According to Genesis, Noah and his family were in the ark about 370 days waiting for the rain to stop, waters to recede, and the ground to dry. That’s a long time to be stuck on a boat with wild animals, livestock, and a handful of family members. No matter how large that ark was, it was not big enough to escape the smell or to find a moment of peace and quiet! As they waited for the ark to stop drifting and the ground to dry, they must have wondered if God had completely forgotten them.

There had to be days of fear, discouragement, doubts, questions, or just being frustrated with the situation on that stinky ark and even the changes waiting outside. As the only survivors after the flood, they may have also felt very alone. Don’t we all experience similar feelings while waiting to see God at work in our situation? “But God remembered Noah” (Genesis 8:1 NIV). God did not forget about them or leave them to their own devices to figure out what to do. In the Old Testament, remember means to pay attention to. In other words, God took action. He never forgot them! He had a plan all along and what seemed like a lack of action was more about His timing. When your situation has you beat down with worry and fear, know that God has not forgotten you. He is right there with you! He won’t leave you sitting in a stinking ark wondering what to do. When the timing is right, He will open the door, and you can plant your feet on solid ground as the sun shines brightly on your face. You are always remembered by God!


Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (NIV). God promises to be with us every step of our journey. In fact, He is not just with us but is leading the way. He is always one step ahead of us, and nothing will happen that is out of His control. Which of God’s promises helps you to remember that God is faithful to remember you today just as He remembered Noah so many years ago? 



Wait for It

By Fran Gardner Mora/Pearls & Presence

This morning, I finished my Bible reading and placed the satin ribbon between the pages to keep my place in the Word; but as I was bringing the covers together, the Holy Spirit whispered softly for me to leave it open, so I placed it that way on the table beside my chair.  Seeing my Bible in that position made me feel like everything I had prayed and every stream of thought that had passed through my head would continue and be carried and worked by God as I went about my day.  It seemed like a divine promise that the distractions and concerns of the day, the unsettling and horrifying news stories that would unfold, and the attacks of the enemy would have no chance of thwarting the dreams that God had placed on my heart or derailing me from the path of my purpose.  All I needed to do was remain faithful and trust in God’s solutions and timing.

I come from a long line of soup chefs, and the one thing I know for certain is that making excellent soup is a culinary art.  It takes time and attention.  It takes patience and commitment.  You can’t throw a bunch of stuff in a pot, bring it to a boil, and expect to get good soup.

Reading the Word for revelation and guidance requires the same dedication – you must let it simmer.   And during that process, it’s necessary to return often to stir and taste and to add ingredients at their proper time.  As the time passes, scripture will open word by word and release a savory fragrance that brings joy in anticipation of the full consumption and understanding of what God has for you.  Your heart will break down and become tender nourishment to those around you and you will present yourself as a peace offering to the Lord.  As you faithfully and obediently wait for the Father to arrange all the details of your situation for the good as He sees it, you are resistant to the suggestions that you could move things along yourself or be satisfied with an inferior result, for you have sampled delicacies that only God could produce.  He has shown you the rewards of righteousness.

“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come
and will not delay.”

“See, the enemy is puffed up;
his desires are not upright—
but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness.” — Habakkuk 2:2-4

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He Remains


By LeeAnn Witzigman

“They will perish, but You remain; they will all wear out like a garment.” Hebrews 1:11

A few years ago, friends of the family lost everything in a house fire on the 4th of July. The tragedy prompted my husband to invest in a fireproof safe for our house. Knowing it would soon take up residence with us, I had been searching for and collecting things all week. Once we found the right place, Patrick called me over to check it out. I’d collected an armful of notebooks, sealed envelopes of love letters I’d written my children over the years, and precious original copies of prophetic words and Spirit-filled declarations. His face crinkled a bit because he was anticipating smaller, shinier, and more ‘valuable’ items; but those I do not own.

I peered into the safe, whispering a prayer that everything would fit, and I felt a door open deep in my heart. I squinted to see what was beyond the seen reality of this moment and I discovered there’s only one thing that truly remains and is safely kept inside us all. I saw the face of Jesus and realized in an instant that the Word I treasured the most was His. I felt Him reach out and hold those papers with His love written on them. They were like a banner waving and announcing His inheritance for me. He had sealed this moment for His glory. And then His Spirit surrounded me with a peace that gave assurance that no matter what happens to this physical storage unit, He alone will remind me of every word on every page.

The only thing the world can offer us is a replica of safety and security, but it’s just an illusion and a soul deception when we believe we can somehow control our lives and the possessions we tend to hold so dear. We live this truth out every single day and our culture displays the harsh reality of what happens when we put our trust in mankind, government, and religion. But, in our spirits, we understand that all things will wither and fade, except for what we have stored up in Heavenly places.

I pray that our lives would testify of the riches of knowing the One who is and is to come. May we walk in the radiance of His splendor and be saturated in love from the time spent in His presence. Let us surrender the comforts of this world, so that we may firmly hold onto the Father’s hand who has made a place for us in His home, where there’s no fireproofing, hoarding, or security codes – but eternal resource, divine provision, and a holy birthright.

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Highlights from Pakistan

CHAIRMAN AND FOUNDER PASTOR ANWAR FAZAL.Isaac TelevisionEternal with his beloved wife Nida Anwar

God directly spoke to Pastor Anwar Fazal to start Eternal Life Ministry in 2001 and this Ministry was born with the God given verse of John 3: 16 ″ FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.”

With humble beginnings, Anwar began the ministry with only four people and God began manifesting himself through him with mighty signs and wonders. The ministry grew exponentially and by the grace of God, he has the largest congregation in Pakistan of more than 30,000 people. Millions of people have experienced healings from various diseases and physical ailments, resulting in an unprecedented number of deliverances and salvations. Pastor Anwar Fazal, is a humble man of God who faithfully carries out the call the Lord has laid upon his heart along with CHAIRMAN AND FOUNDER PASTOR ANWAR FAZAL.Isaac TelevisionEternal Life Ministries.

His Christ like behavior is winning souls and advancing the kingdom of heaven in many countries. Over the years, his prayer festivals have been used to touch millions of people with the largest attendance of 1.4 million people in Pakistan. In 2006 the Lord spoke to Anwar to start a Christian television station. Anwar being a faithful servant of God, took a bold step of faith and launched “ISAAC TELEVISION” the first Christian satellite television station in Pakistan. The slogan for ISAAC TV is “Hope for the Nation” and has given that very hope to Christians and non-Christians alike. Isaac television broadcasts to more than 70 countries throughout Asia, middle east, and many other unreached areas.

Recently, Pastor Anwar Fazal has started a channel named “Eternal Life Television Network” which is on apstar 7 satellite and galaxy sat 19 satellite. Eternal Life Television is an English-speaking channel reaching America, Canada, Europe, Africa and many other countries. The channel broadcasts very powerful and anointed preachers with teachings, worship songs and children’s programs. Eternal life television network is winning souls, changing lives and expanding the kingdom of God.

Pakistan Address: 76/, Street #5، Modern Colony, Lahore, Punjab


PHONE NO: Pakistan:+92-300-4397371 – USA:1 (234)-900-51TV

Cindy Davidson

Cindy Davidson’s fervent faith and trust in the love of God has made her a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. She uses her professional and creative talents to serve the Christian community, and to help women from all ages and every walk of life. She is the founder of Sewing the Harvest Ministry.  Her and her husband Mike Davidson are the owners of The Stitichin Post in Gulf Shores, Alabama since 1991, from where she organizes and leads Women’ s Bible studies. Cindy is a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and a passionate community leader.

Don’t Yield to Fear

Jesus - Don’t Yield to Fear


By Eglaide Seiber Barroso

In thinking of writing about the Russian and Ukraine war, it is clear to me that there is nothing honorable about the affairs of war, and because of this, my heart is burdened for the innocent people on both sides of the battlefront. I am aware of what’s being said about both nations; with so many twisted and deceiving reports about what is happening, it’s very difficult to write about such a brutal and destructive conflict. As a Christian, my heart is crying for God’s justice, but I take no side between these nations because there is no justice in a political arena full of power mongers. I’m very angry about this senseless war, as well as of this world’s godless governments.

According to the book of Revelation 12:9 KJV, the Bible says, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” We know that the world is under the darkest veils of deceit, portrayed by the evil-influenced media and big tech companies. The prince of the power of the air is desperately attacking the church globally, knowing his last days of tormenting God’s people are near. With that in mind, I am reminded that the word of God tells us to rejoice because we have overcome the things of this world by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. So, let’s lift our eyes to the hills from where our help comes from, and pray against the dark forces that is operating in the minds of powerful world rulers.

It is known by the counseling communities (Christian and secular) that discouragement is caused by a lack of hope in any circumstance, personal or otherwise. When we consider that for the past two years, we have been confronted by the numerous situations of natural disasters, war, global epidemic, complete isolation from our family and friends, racial and religious conflicts, economic recession, high gas costs, threats of worldwide famine, and the complete absence of godly family standards infecting future generations all over the world, one may feel overwhelmed, desperate, and hopeless. So, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? “Romans 8:31 KJV

In 1 Peter 5:8 NKJV, the Bible says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Through his lies, the devil is distracting and deceiving many of God’s children with fear and death, but Jesus’ death and resurrection has conquered all fear. 1 Corinthians 15:55&57 “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

From the book of Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I am praying for the souls who are caught in this deadly crossfire and Christians who are embracing a spirit of discouragement because if I look at their circumstances with my natural eyes, I see no hope for them, their nation, or the world.

God’s Word teaches us that Light has the power to conquer darkness. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. The world and some of His own people have rejected Him because they are blind to God’s love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. John 3:16 KJV

Finally, I am being reminded of God’s promises in the book of Romans 16:20 KJV, where the Bible says: “May the God of Peace crush satan’s head under our feet shortly. The Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”

This coming April, we will celebrate HIS Resurrection and our Spiritual Victory through Him. HALLELLUIAH!

I Am a Herald of Good News!.

Don’t Yield to Fear

Supreme Court Nominee

Supreme Court Nominee


By Nancy Kilpatrick

A most weighty decision in our government is a Supreme Court Judge appointment which is a life-time position. A judge appointed now would impact our children and grandchildren.

Judge Stephen Breyer has resigned and will be leaving office at the close of this term.

Appointed by Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994, he is currently 83 years old, a democrat who has a voting record between moderate and liberal. The Democratic Party will insist on replacing him with the most liberal judge they can, and Pres. Biden made a promise that he would put a black female in Supreme Court if he got the opportunity. He is determined to do just that; and pressured by his party to keep his promise. What does this mean?

Simply put, it means there are scores of accredited judges, qualified but not considered, of other ethnic backgrounds which will be a travesty. You can be certain the one chosen will be young, which could also mean not well equipped for such a position putting her in office until your grandchildren are grandparents. I know you can see why this appointment is such an important one and needs the right person in that Judges’ chair.

Lawsuits at the Supreme Court level are supposed to be determined by the standards of our Constitution which is our National Standard by which all our laws are based. However, in the past years there have been lawsuits determined by judges who take the position that our Constitution is a “living document” which means it changes meaning as the culture in our country changes. Therefore, we now have legalized abortion, same sex marriages, and other decisions determined on this basis.

I am hearing that while our Vice Pres. Kamala Harris can break the tie in Congress on bills passed and other business, she is not authorized to break a tie in the appointment of a judge so keep an eye on that in the news.

Our nation is in serious trouble, we must stand firm on our Constitution. Our Founding Fathers got it right, based on Biblical principles. We must restore those principles to keep our nation safe for our children and grandchildren. Keep this Supreme Court Nomination in your prayers.

Supreme Court Nominee

Women’s Care Medical Center Annual Walk for Life

Women's Care Medical Center Annual Walk for Life

By Donna Marable

Did you know every 35 seconds, a baby’s heart stops beating in the U.S? Every 35 seconds and an unborn baby is taken from the womb. Every 35 seconds and a woman endures the traumatic experience of abortion. Every 35 seconds and a father loses the opportunity to look into the face of his child. What if we could change the next 35 seconds?

Women’s Care Medical Center in Baldwin County, Alabama has been fighting for the rights to life since 1990. They seek to empower every man and woman who walks through their doors with life-affirming options because all people, born and unborn, inside the womb and out, deserve value, respect and dignity. It is for this reason, WCMC not only seeks to save the life of the child in the womb, but they share the eternal hope of salvation through Jesus Christ with every client.

You, too, can be part of this incredible mission field. Every year WCMC hosts an annual Walk for life. This year the Walk is March 26th, and again 6 locations throughout the County make it easy to participate in the 2-mile walk. WCMC totally takes care of monetary collections from the walker’s individual sponsors. Why not consider giving support to this annual event and involve friends and entire families in a great life-giving cause? Much more information about Women’s Care Medical Center and the Walk for Life is available on their website, WCMC thanks you for standing with them for the rights of ALL human life.

WCMC logo



By Donna Marable

Disciples of All Nations Spreading the Good Word. (Matthew 28:19)

In the fall of 1898 two traveling salesmen sharing a Wisconsin motel room realized a common desire to spread the “Good Word”. They met again the following year and, joined with a third salesman, decided the goal of their association would be to unite traveling salesmen for evangelism. This led in 1908 to the official formation of Gideons International, an association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus and His offer of salvation by sharing testimonials and providing copies of the “Good News”.

Full Bibles are placed in motel rooms, pocket-sized New Testaments are distributed in institutions of learning, medical facilities, prisons, fire stations, militaries around the globe-to all who want them-and to those who may not know they need them-at no cost to the recipients. The Gideons and its Auxiliary are supported by dedicated members and by prayers and donations of supporting churches and others. All donations go toward the printing and transportation of Bibles. The Testament books also include Psalms and Proverbs, scriptural references for various times of need, translations of John 3:16 or The Lord’s Prayer in a variety of languages, a brief description of salvation and a place to sign and date a confession of Jesus as Savior. Literally thousands of miraculous testimonies are revealed because of the Gideons dedicated presence in various situations: wars (including Pearl Harbor), weather disasters, even the collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, June 24, 2021.

Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, they are organized worldwide into small, local groups called Camps meeting together for support and activities such as blanketing areas with Scripture Blitzes (internationally this month in Zambia and Indonesia). Over 300,000 men and women in 200 countries are personally witnessing and giving away Bibles or New Testaments in over 95 languages. To date over 2 billion copies of God’s Word has been distributed. While the first vision was not for this worldwide mission field, they always believed in making a powerful impact drawing on the strength of the Bible character Gideon who was willing to do exactly what God wanted. His characteristics of humility, faith and obedience became the standard of measure the organization strives to establish in all its members. Their logo, a pitcher with torch, symbolizes Gideon’s victory over the Midianites in Judges 6-7. Their purpose to bring every man, woman, boy and girl to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ will never burn out.

To learn more you may contact Brad Speegle, Alabama/northwest Florida Association ( or south Baldwin County passionate Camp members James and Ruth Ann Stallworth (

Gideons logo

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