
Faithfully Unfaithful

By Jeff Sutherland

Jesus when teaching us to love God, and love our neighbor, included a group of Jews and Gentiles who both hated the Samaritans. In fact, He told the story of the ‘good’ Samaritan, teaching us to go beyond just ‘feeling’ love to doing love, then He took it one step further, love your enemies.

There is a new group out that blasts conservatives, fundamentalists, constitutioners, all Republicans and anyone who thinks, says or does anything against what they believe. Their catch phrase is, ‘Love your neighbor, no exceptions.’ They call themselves, Faithful America. Then they point to half the country or more who they hate, want to banish, deny, silence, fire, and destroy. On their website you can sign petitions to shut conservative America up permanently.

So, their main statement should say, love your neighbors, only the ones that agree with you. But Jesus challenged us to love our enemies. Why?

If we are really going to engage in culture, if we are to have a real impact, loving our enemies shadows the love of Jesus. Jesus didn’t squash what the Pharisees said and did but confronted them with the truth. Jesus didn’t ignore the prostitutes, the tax collectors, and the lepers, He embraced them and shared the truth with them.

The result wasn’t universal love for Jesus but universal hate, except those He called. And even among the called, there was Judas with a plan and a purpose, which God used for His good and His glory.

Faithful America says they want to change hearts, so everyone is loved, meaning those they choose to love, people who embrace abortion, transgenderism, ‘real’ democracy.

They want to inspire and compel people to believe that media groups like One America Network (OAN), Newsmax, Real America’s Voice, political groups like conservatives and Republicans, historical groups like the founding fathers, Wall Builders, church groups like, Catholics, Baptists, evangelicals, and anyone who believes in the truth of the Bible are all heretics and must be banned from our society.

They side with BLM, Antifa, and others who want to subvert the US Constitution by federalizing elections. They agree with those who say ‘real’ science is climate change, vaccinations, masking, and most of psychology. They buy into the science that there are as many as 1200 genders. They support LBGTQ+ policies that insist LBGT people should be pastors, and leaders of the church.

They agree that all roads lead to heaven, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist even atheist will happily be there for there is no hell, no real sin, except to disagree with their thinking. True biblical Christianity and its followers must be dismissed entirely.

In contrast the American Family Association sponsors Faith For America | Bringing About Change Through The Word of Jesus Christ. Compare both organizations with the truth of the Word. For further insight, go to and ask for material on what real love looks like.

Beauty for Ashes

By Fran Gardner Mora / Pearls & Presence

On the very first day of creation, God commanded that there be light, and He separated night from day. He set into motion a situation with a clearly defined dichotomy: darkness and illumination. And we know that this was the stage of the spiritual world because, at this point, only spiritual beings existed. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the opposing forces. It wasn’t until the fourth day that a physical source for the light was created; the sun was placed in the sky to govern the day and the moon and stars to give light in the night. So, on Day 6, we enter the scene as we are placed in a physical world that has a firmly established spiritual realm of both divine radiance and dangerous darkness. And that is the world in which we struggle today.

We are challenged on all sides by corruption, invasive contagions, depravity, lawlessness, immorality, and all manner of ungodly behaviors. We are continually attacked by the enemy and threatened by authorities – but we are not weak or abandoned in our distress. Believers may not be completely exempt from fear and manipulation tactics, or from illness, crime, and financial peril, but we have a powerful weapon against them. We have hope in our resurrected Savior. This hope is a commodity that can be exchanged for what we need to be victorious in the trials of life. It’s a byproduct of the blood covenant we have with Jesus, and it secures a treasure trove of resources that not only get us through the valleys but infuse our hearts with joy and gladness as we fight in the trenches.

When you hear that “normal” is never going to return, remember that Jesus will, and that’s what we are really waiting for. When you are frustrated because decisions are taken out of your hands and personal freedoms are denied, remember that the Truth has set you free, and you are free indeed. When the world is feeding you lies and deception, remember that God’s Word nourishes your soul and provides a roadmap for righteousness that applies to every difficulty you face. We have everything we need to thrive in God’s glory.

From the beginning of our existence, Jesus has been lighting our way and dispelling the darkness. He has turned our mourning into dancing and given us crowns of beauty for ashes. He loves us and goes before us in every battle. He celebrates our triumphs, restores us, and gives us rest.

Join us on Pearls & Presence/Facebook for more inspirational encouragement as we take the time to celebrate Jesus and enjoy the provision of our good and gracious Father.


By LeeAnn Witzigman

Recently I had a dream about a greenhouse. In the dream, my parents called us to say they’d found a church we’d love and to meet them there. They gave no directions and told us we’d know when we found it. As we were driving around, we passed what looked like a church (A-frame building with a steeple), but it was made entirely of glass. We pulled back around, parked, and walked inside. The fragrance of life was overwhelming, and it fogged all the windows of the atrium. I immediately noticed there wasn’t a single plant inside – just people who were truly in full-bloom with the Holy Spirit. In the corner of the room, I noticed ushers bringing people into a stairwell which led to a sanctuary that was out of sight. But, I couldn’t move past the front doors, because the discovery of this holy place begged me to take my time and let my spiritual senses linger. The aroma and mist of Heaven was still upon me as I woke up.

I couldn’t shake the dream and it continued to invade my thoughts all day. I realized that I’d never seen a greenhouse, much less ventured inside of one, so I looked them up online and the most captivating fact about their success is that they never let the warmth escape. The controlled temperature is the reason why life inside explodes and thrives.

The next evening, I was saying bedtime prayers with my youngest daughter and while I was speaking, she squeezed her little prayer hands inside of my folded hands and said, “so warm.” Her soft words breathed over the sanctuary structure of my heart.

I believe the mother-heart of God is to be a greenhouse for His children. A shelter in which you can supernaturally progress because He has flooded the space with His glorious warmth. The Eden of the Old Testament is now alive inside of us and He has given us tender hands to nurture souls and sensitive hearts to love and care for brokenness. He is trusting that we will let Him control the temperature of all we say and do. He has crafted a sacred place within where the fire of His holiness never burns out and is transferred to those He ushers through our open gates.

Mothering in partnership with the Holy Spirit has exponentially blessed my family. I can say in truth, that all my endeavors to be a mother who reflects God to my own children, and countless spiritual children, have failed in the flesh, but when I surrendered my heart, He placed in me His greenhouse of lush promises and living power.

Father’s Day

By Jim Curtis

I grew up in a family where my mother and father are Greeks. Greek families are loud and passionate. Passion can be used as a positive influence on the life of a child. Father in the Greek language is translated as “a nourisher or an upholder.” Fathers who give of themselves sacrificially represent the models for the little ones who are watching, listening and catching the example of how to live. Some of the most powerful lessons that children can learn are lessons without words that are spoken. We often mimic what we see and that is how we are taught. We are taught what we caught as a child. Nourishment to a life is drawn deep in the early years of the child.

Dads can influence and show the way how to live through their actions, attitudes and the little things that they do around the observation of others. How often does a child think I wish I could talk to my father and ask questions. How do I know what I should be when I grow up? How do you know what is the right choice to make and not choose the wrong path? How to be successful within relationships? Fathers have the knowledge, wisdom and experience that can guide and protect and even nurture a young life. Just having someone to talk to that will listen, understand and uphold you in a father can be so needful and positive for a life.

Fathers, your life speaks clearly and loudly to those who are watching you. Your passion in life is an important lesson to children. You are a model for others of how to live righteously and good. Children need to be able to ask for advice and wisdom. Nurture that in your family. At first it may be awkward but it is worthwhile to attain that goal of fatherhood. “Pater” in the Greek New Testament Bible means to be a nurturer. Ask your heavenly father for his help, for his is the model for all fathers.

Connect Church

By Jim CurtisJim and Tondi Curtis are the senior pastors with a vision to raise up a new church “To Walk in God’s Love and Give it Away!” They have been pastors for over 40 years in Minnesota, Oklahoma and even in Santiago, Chile, South America. Jim has planted 6 churches. God has inspired and led them to move here and plant Connect Church and they are searching the Lord for revival. If you are a person who feels to be a part of and help plant a church using your gifts and talents then we welcome you to be a part of something that the Lord is doing in the South Baldwin County area.


Celebrating 70 years In the throne


By Esther Milne

My love for the Royal Family dates back to that summer day in 1981, when as a young girl, I watched Lady Diana walk down the aisle to marry Prince Charles and become our nation’s princess. It was a moment in history that I remember celebrating at my Aunt’s house in the south of England when her neighbors came together and the whole street threw a party. Many years have passed since then and I’ve moved to another country but there’s still something that stirs my British soul whenever I hear the national anthem or glimpse the Union Jack and there is no greater woman that I admire than her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

This summer it’s time for another celebration. Across the pond, England is preparing to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Having acceded to the throne at the death of her father on February 6, 1952 when she was just 25 years old, Queen Elizabeth II is now the world’s longest standing head of state.

Over the past 70 years the Queen has faced her own challenges, has counseled 14 different British Prime Ministers, starting with Sir Winston Churchill, and she has succeeded in transforming the Royal Establishment, making it relevant to today’s world. Throughout the turmoil of the past seven decades, the Queen has remained a figurehead of stability who has dedicated her life to serving the British people. It is her Christian faith and her relationship with Jesus Christ that has given the Queen the strength she has needed to fulfill her calling.

While this summer will afford us an opportunity to raise a glass or a cup of English tea to congratulate the Queen on her monumental achievement, we should also take a moment to consider the example she sets for us all.

1 Peter 2 v 9 says that “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation …”

This royal title is as much as a responsibility as it is a privilege. Just like Jesus, our ultimate servant leader, we are given this position in order to serve the community around us.

Job 8:7NIV – 7 Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.

He Is Alive Forevermore

He Is Alive Forevermore

By Dawn Hill – Lovesick Scribe

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5 ESV

Each year, we as believers in Christ remember and celebrate the crucifixion, burial, and glorious resurrection of our beloved Lord and Savior because He atoned for our sins, He satisfied the wrath of God as the spotless Lamb, and His resurrection gives us the promise of everlasting life found by grace through faith in Him alone. He has overcome the grave. It is truly good news. No other religion can testify of an empty tomb. Our King sits at the right hand of the Father, and we can say with confidence and assurance that He is alive!

The beauty of Christ’s resurrection is not to be lost on us. We have a reason to rejoice every moment of the day because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. It is not reserved for one day or weekend a year. This is to be in the forefront of our thoughts and understanding as believers in Christ. This verse in 1 Peter 1:3 reminds us of the posture we are to have before the Lord for what He has done. We are to praise Him for His mercy, His grace, and His eternal promises. It is because of Him that we have the inheritance as children of God. It is His love and faithfulness which sustain us in trying and difficult times while on this earth. Our beautiful Lord and Savior bled and died and rose again.

When we gather corporately to worship Him and to meditate on the Word of God and Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, may our thoughts remain fixed on His finished work for our salvation. May we ponder on the Son of God who was led like a lamb to the slaughter and whose appearance Scripture describes as “marred, beyond human semblance and his form beyond that of the children of mankind.” (Isaiah 52:14) May we call to our remembrance Isaiah 53, which speaks of Jesus Christ. May we ponder the gospels and remember the cross is also empty as our Savior rules and reigns and lives forever. Death has no sting any longer because of Him. We rejoice in the joy of His salvation. He lives. There is no better news than the Gospel.


Peaceful Maneuvers

By Tresa Walker

A few years ago, we took the youth group on a float trip down the Illinois River. Many of the kids had never been river rafting. They learned that there were many obstacles to overcome, such as trees that can knock you into the water or rocks that can flip your raft. It took awhile for some to learn how to maneuver their rafts. If everyone paddled on the same side, the raft would just spin in a circle. Sometimes one youth would be forced to do all the work because their partners selfishly did nothing. Most of them discovered the importance of teamwork. Those who learned to work together found it much easier to avoid obstacles than those whose partners were selfish.

Like paddling a boat, relationships often encounter obstacles. In Genesis 13, Abram and his family were relocating to Canaan. As they were traveling, there was conflict between the herdsmen of Abram and Lot because there was not enough grass and water for all the livestock. When Abram learned of the dispute, he quickly took action to resolve the conflict. He was willing to compromise to preserve his relationship with Lot. Abram had faith that God would take care of him, so he generously allowed Lot to choose the land he preferred and took what remained. Lot was selfish and chose the land with the best water source and lush, fertile ground. The disagreement between their herdsmen could have resulted in a broken relationship, but instead Abram was willing to compromise in order to maintain peace and handled a difficult situation with a godly attitude.

There are many obstacles in life. Like rafting, everything goes smoother if everyone works together, but that is not always the case. If each person is determined to get their own way, the relationship will spin in circles repeating more episodes of conflict without getting anywhere. There are also those who selfishly sit back, like Lot, and expect others to make sacrifices in order to keep peace. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” The phrase ‘if it is possible’ implies that sometimes, no matter what attempts are made, it will not be possible to live at peace.

Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Humbly considering others before ourselves helps to generate harmony in relationships. Abram demonstrated the type of humble attitude God desires from us. He trusted God in the situation and was blessed despite Lot claiming what appeared to be the best land.
Like the obstacles faced on the youth rafting trip, we can be selfish while others do all the work; we can be the one who unselfishly works harder; or we can learn to work together. Which person are you? What can you do differently to live at peace with everyone?



Tresa WalkerTresa Walker lives with her husband in Atoka, Oklahoma. Their family consists of an adult son and daughter, their spouses, and three young grandchildren. Tresa teaches middle school, plays piano in her church, teaches a women’s Bible study class, and writes devotionals. Her hope is for God to speak to people through her writing and encourage readers in their daily struggles.

Emails and Environmental Harm

Experts are attempting to move businesses toward a paperless office environment, but unfortunately, emails also contribute to environmental harm. As a result, you may be prompted to send fewer emails at some point. It may seem strange, but it's true. There are probably several emails in your inbox right now that you haven't opened because they're not important. Your inbox may be full of these emails; some may be spam from a website you've visited. Every email that remains in your inbox is stored in data servers worldwide. A significant amount of power is required to operate those servers without interruption. In most areas of the planet, fossil fuel is used to generate electricity, leading to severe air pollution. So, emails either directly or indirectly produce carbon dioxide, which is detrimental to the environment globally. When you send an email over the internet, it generates a chain of energy-consuming activities via electronic devices. Your wi-fi router transmits a signal then communicates with other servers to transfer the messages which require electricity. Every device from your wi-fi router to your laptop consumes energy and contributes a share of the carbon dioxide emitted. A spam message produces 0.3 grams of carbon dioxide, a text-based email about 0.4 grams, and an email with an attachment generates approximately 50 grams, depending on the size of the attachment. Around 320 billion spam emails are sent every day, releasing about 960 billion kg of carbon dioxide. You can play a critical part in mitigating global pollution by taking these simple steps: 1. Go through your email inbox and delete any emails that are not necessary. This action will remove them from data servers, reducing carbon dioxide emissions.  2. Make a habit of removing spam emails that arrive in your junk or spam folder.  3. Unsubscribe from promotional mailing lists. There is usually an unsubscribe link at the bottom of those emails. 4. Turn off email notifications from social media platforms if you receive them. You can see the same update in your social media notification sections. 5. Clear your trash folder after deleting emails from your inbox; otherwise, they will continue to produce carbon dioxide for 30 days. Implementing these simple measures will make a substantial impact in minimizing this negative environmental effect. So, challenge yourself today; makeover your email inbox and be responsibly eco-friendly.

By Mansoor Pirzada

Experts are attempting to move businesses toward a paperless office environment, but unfortunately, emails also contribute to environmental harm. As a result, you may be prompted to send fewer emails at some point. It may seem strange, but it’s true. There are probably several emails in your inbox right now that you haven’t opened because they’re not important. Your inbox may be full of these emails; some may be spam from a website you’ve visited.

Every email that remains in your inbox is stored in data servers worldwide. A significant amount of power is required to operate those servers without interruption. In most areas of the planet, fossil fuel is used to generate electricity, leading to severe air pollution. So, emails either directly or indirectly produce carbon dioxide, which is detrimental to the environment globally.

When you send an email over the internet, it generates a chain of energy-consuming activities via electronic devices. Your wi-fi router transmits a signal then communicates with other servers to transfer the messages which require electricity. Every device from your wi-fi router to your laptop consumes energy and contributes a share of the carbon dioxide emitted.

A spam message produces 0.3 grams of carbon dioxide, a text-based email about 0.4 grams, and an email with an attachment generates approximately 50 grams, depending on the size of the attachment. Around 320 billion spam emails are sent every day, releasing about 960 billion kg of carbon dioxide.

You can play a critical part in mitigating global pollution by taking these simple steps:

1. Go through your email inbox and delete any emails that are not necessary. This action will remove them from data servers, reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

2. Make a habit of removing spam emails that arrive in your junk or spam folder.

3. Unsubscribe from promotional mailing lists. There is usually an unsubscribe link at the bottom of those emails.

4. Turn off email notifications from social media platforms if you receive them. You can see the same update in your social media notification sections.

5. Clear your trash folder after deleting emails from your inbox; otherwise, they will continue to produce carbon dioxide for 30 days.
Implementing these simple measures will make a substantial impact in minimizing this negative environmental effect.

So, challenge yourself today; makeover your email inbox and be responsibly eco-friendly.

Grace And Freedom During Ramadan

turkey flag

Highlights from Turkey

By Karen Arkan

It’s not yet 4am and the Muslim call to prayer rings out in my hometown of Antalya, Turkey.

Every neighborhood in our city has at least one mosque, so all can hear the call to prayer. In some places, a drummer also pounds on his drum as he marches through the streets, making sure everyone wakes-up. He’s a real live human alarm clock.

It’s now the month of Ramadan. Muslims all over the world are fasting from sunrise (around 5:30 am) to sunset (around 8:30 pm) for 30 days. Ramadan 2022 in Turkey will begin in the evening of Saturday, April 2 and ends in the evening of Monday, May 2

The days are long and hot without food or water. So this early morning wake-up call is a chance to eat and drink before the daily fast begins.
The purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan for Muslims is to develop the quality of righteousness. Not only should Muslims abstain from food and drink during daylight hours, they are also supposed to be intentional about refraining from sinful deeds, thoughts and desires. At the same time, there should be an outward expression of good character such as generosity, patience, and purity. Fasting is meant to protect individuals from sin and ultimately the punishment of God.

There may be self-control and even good accomplished in a works-based religion, such as Islam, but there is no freedom.

Freedom is unique to Jesus. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1

The month of Ramadan always reminds me of this profound difference between Islam and Christianity. I cannot imagine putting only my own efforts into relating to God and trying to earn my salvation. And then to never really know if I’m close enough… adequate enough… deserving enough.

Nearly 40 years ago, during the month of Ramadan (or “Ramazan” in Turkish), my husband’s teenage mother gave birth to him in a garden all alone. For this reason, his grandmother named him Ramazan after the Muslim holy month of fasting.

Nineteen years after Ramazan came into the world during the Ramadan fast, a friend of his boldly shared the truth of the Gospel with him. Over time, Ramazan accepted the grace of Jesus, the forgiveness of his sins. And Ramazan was set free. His name, Ramazan, is now an indicator of his past, a reference to the place and family he was born into…the time before he entered into a place of freedom.
As Christians, it’s quite easy to take God’s grace for granted.

We forget how significantly different our Christian faith is.

We neglect our hope.

We disregard our freedom.

This Ramadan I’m thankful for the 4 am wake-up calls that serve as a reminder to me of all I have to be thankful for…particularly, the gift of the freedom that has set me free.

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Karen ArkanKAREN ARKAN and her husband Ramazan serve as pastors of Antalya Evangelical Churches, located in Antalya Turkey, a port city on the Mediterranean Sea which the Apostle Paul visited as described in Acts 14:25 (recorded as Attalia). They are still fundraising for the operational needs of their new church, which is the subject of the Fruitful post BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME. Please pray that the Lord will continue to bring generous partners to support Antalya Evangelical Churches. Donations may be sent to: People International USA, PO Box 3005, Vancouver, WA 98668-3005. In the Note area of the check write: Project Number 935. Contributions are USA tax-deductible and 100% will go toward the ministries of Antalya Evangelical Churches.

Our Fortress for All Time

happy new year 2022

By Dawn Hill, The Lovesick Scribe

I do not know if you have noticed, but there seems to be no end to news of turmoil in this world. Wherever we turn in our day and time, it is inevitable to hear of impending crisis or looming fear bent on gripping the hearts of those who would listen. As this coming New Year approaches, the expectancy of a fresh start may seem lack luster and even replaced with a sense of dread or uncertainty. As believers in Christ, we have great joy in the midst of turmoil and groanings of the earth and within our own bodies as we long for our heavenly dwelling (2 Corinthians 5:2) because our gaze is set upon Christ rather than the fallenness of this world.
Psalm 46 came to mind while pondering on what to share with you. This psalm is centered upon God being the refuge for His people. The first verse begins with the assurance of God being “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” The psalmist then goes on to speak of things happening in the earth such as earthquakes, roaring waters and raging nations. These things can ignite fear in the hearts of men, but it is not to be the case for those who belong to God.
A type and shadow of salvation emerges in this psalm, and we see a call to trust in the Lord of hosts for protection and stability. Contrasted by the roaring waters is “the river whose streams make glad the city of our God.” (Psalm 46:4) Though all else gives way and is moved, because of God, His people shall not be moved. There is a call to remember the works of God, His power over the earth in the past and in the future, His sovereignty and His might in ceasing the wars of men.
This psalm ministers to us still today as we like those in that time face uncertain times with certain challenges. We are not to dread the coming year as we are not those without hope. When the nations rage, we trust in the Lord. Changes comes, but our Lord and Savior, our God changes not. He is constant, and we can trust Him. As we look to the New Year, let this verse bring you encouragement, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 4:10)

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